关注Google Blog的朋友可能已经在几小时前看到Google官方blog上一篇奇怪的帖子。该帖中称google将中止click-to-call服务(google与ebay的一项合作),虽然google很快将该帖撤下,但还是有很多关注google的网友在线或者通过RSS看到了这篇文章,并将它截下。帖子中出现了一些语法和拼写上的错误,而且帖子的最后居然还有“message has been translated using Google language tools.”因此大家都认为这不是一篇被google误发的“中止click-to-call服务”声明,而是google blog被黑后留下的痕迹。
google已经证实了这一乌龙事件(About that fake post)
A bug in Blogger enabled an unauthorized user to make a fake post on the Google Blog last night, claiming that we've discontinued our AdWords click-to-call test. The bug was fixed quickly and the post removed. As for the click-to-call test, it is progressing on schedule, and we're pleased with the results thus far.
1 个说法:
是的 就是这么一回事