

Google在商业周刊(businessweek)公布的“2006十大热的快(热门、快速增长)公司”中位列第四。排在Google前面的有Amkor Technology、Apple、AT&T。

google 商业周刊 第四

In 2002 there were rumors that Yahoo! would acquire Google, for a price said to be in the neighborhood of $700 million. In 2003, Google reported more than double that amount in revenue. In 2004 it doubled that amount, and doubled it again in 2005. Today that same $700 million Yahoo considered paying for Google will get you about one-half of 1% of Google shares. What will Google do next? Here's a hint: It will grow.


由 8O 于 12/30/2006 06:42:00 上午 在 Google | Blogger [八卦新闻] 上发表

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